Credit solutions
Creditsolutions took money and did nothing ruined my trust hit me when I was down ripoff

Business & Finance

My husband had a massive stroke and without his money I was having a hard time paying eveything, so I went to these people because they had an ad on tv and I thought they would be ok. I was so sesperate for help I didnt no which way to go.

So after about 5 months of being a wreck. I called these people and I told them that I called consumer credit counseling and they told me to go bankrupt (since I quit my job to care for my husband..) I had no income but his pension and our savings which is no longer. However I told these people and they said well we can help.

So vunerable that I was I went with it all. Then I had everyone calling me from everywhere I was paying them everymonth and I would get 6 calls a day because see I was trying to keep what else I had going and up to date. I told everyone when calling I had this company and they said well we didnt get a proposal and I said well they said they sent one.

This went on & on so in Feb I had 490.00 in the bank and I was told that I should call the settlement part of this company and they would tell me what to pay off they would deal with the credit companies. I could never get them. So I did by the way get another job in dec. 06. And I couldnt stand the stroke from my husband and the credit card companies so I was forced to go bankrupt

Not my biggest thing I wanted to do. I wanted to pay off my creditors But I could nt I was going under and then I felt so bad all the time with the anger I had about everything. Then a person caring for my husband took 3000.00 all we had left in the world. They stated they had a criminal background done on this person and he was a criminal for at least 12 years.

Anyway back on track here. With all this I wanted anything I could to at least partially clear my mined so I did what I had to for mental freedom and filed a chapter 7 which cost me 2000.00. I cant believe these people started this. Why should they walk away onscathed pls advise what I can do to them so they dont keep doing this to other people?

Company: Credit solutions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Addison
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