JP Morgan Chase Bank
Exhorbitant Balance Transfer Fees Ny

Business & Finance

The ghost of JP Morgan still rips off working Americans! Chase credit cards now offer low APRs for balance transfers, but they have sneakily removed the $75 cap on fees to do so. Now, it's 3% with no limit to how much you can be charged!

Beware, the print with this information is tiny and hidden on the offer. You won't know you've been bilked until you see the huge fee appear on your statement. I called to discuss this with them, but the snarky customer service person refused to even understand what I was telling her at first, but then refused to abide by their usual fees, and so I cancelled my card.

I recommend that no one deals with Chase credit card services.

Company: JP Morgan Chase Bank
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: Lexington Ave
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