Homecomings Financial
Not only take homes aways from families, but also destroys families

Business & Finance

It is so disheartening to here all the horror stories that this company I has caused. The reason for my visit to this site this evening is because I recently lost my home because of Homecoming Financial and their heartless deeds. Now, I find out that my daughter and her husband are also finaced through this awful, decietful company.

My story differs in the fact that my father and step-mother were the actual purchasers of my home. My husband and I had both suffered through divorce and many financial issues in our past and were not able to finance a home ourselves. We moved into our home under a three year lease agreement and we made the mortgage payments. At the end of three years the loan was to be turned over to us.

Just a couple months after the purchase of our home we were informed that our loan had been sold to Homecomings Financial and that our payments were raised from 734.00 per month to 756.00 per month.

The following spring my husband fell seriously ill. He was diagnosed with Renal Failure. It took every dime I could bring in just to make the house payments, while my husband was sick. Hardly leaving enough to take care of the four kids we also had at home. Sometimes they were late, sometimes I had to borrow the money. But they were paid.

There were daily harassing phone calls to my parents. This company was relentless. Even when my Dad had to have a quadrupal bypass, they still called numerous times daily.

My husband did recover enough to be able to return to work. But that didn't last long. The company felt that he was too much of a liability, given his medical condition. His employment was terminated without notice.

During this time Homecomings Financial continued to raise our payments due, charge all kinds of outrages fee and penalties. When all of that added to more that 800.00 a month, I could no longer make the payment. I could not expect my children to do with any less than what they had been.

The threats of foreclosure began in Aug of last years. Numerous times a day there were phone calls from Homecomings Financial threatening to take our home if we didn't pay 1800.00.2500.000. It just kept going on. For months we talked about a forebearance or repayment plan. Conviently, nothing worked. Finally in Dec. We were notified that they were selling our house on the court house steps on the 21st. Four days before Christmas.

At this point, I had done everything I could do to save our home and my parents' credit. The only thing left was for us to do was to leave our home. The weekend of Christmas, that's exactly what we did. We packed everything we could fit into a two bedroom duplex and the rest we had to leave behind.

The house did not sell in Dec. So therefore, it sat empty (except for my remaining belongings) for several months and most of the communications with Homecoming's ceased. On the 24th of Apr. The house was posted saying that if I wished to retrieve the rest of my belongings I was to call Donna at Homecomings within the next 30 days. Two days after the posting, men showed up there, loaded their pickups and hauled my stuff to the city dump. Just another example of how this company operates.

The most tragic part of this entire story though; my parents' credit was destroyed. This has seriously effected the relationship between them and myself. My step-mother doesn't even speak to me anymore and my Dad only comes around every now and then.

The house is still empty so I assuse that it is yet to be sold. My husband are now in a much better financial postion, but there is no way that I will ever have dealings with this company and believe me, I tell everyone of my feelings for Homecomings Financial.

I advise everyone who is financed through Homecomings Financial to RUN! Refinance with someone else as quickly as possible, because even if you have never had an issue with this company. It's only a matter of time.

I really wish everyone the best of luck in dealing with this God forsaken company. And I hope that the class action suit brings them to their knees begging for mercy.

Independence, Missouri

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Site: www.homecomingsfinancial.com
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