USA Credit
USA Shopping Card They posted the charge of $149.95 from my checking account and have yet to receive a call, paperwork or maybe even a Members Card. The had advertised a credit line of $12,500. Uniontown Pennsylvania

Business & Finance

With good intention's, I was looking to build up my credit score. With a lack of credit cards and revolving credit, I decided to open an account with, USA CREDIT, Uniontown, PA.

Well, I waited and waited for a card and got nothing!!! The $149.95 was taken from my account and still nothing ABSOLUTLY NOTHING not even a thank you for your DONATION.

All I wanted was a line of credit and it looks as if I stepped in a pile of Sh#$^%. So much for making my credit better, but you can rest assured that this is far from over, IT WILL BE RESOLVED!!!

Company: USA Credit
Country: USA
State: California
City: Palmdale
Address: 5811 Lighthouse Lane
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Cmg Credit
What Revolving Credit Company is this?

USA Credit, Uniontown, PA
USA Credit took $149 out of my bank account without authorization Uniontown, Us Credit Line, Us Credit Line ripoff

USA Credit
Consumer Report

USA Credit
Misrepresented their credit card offer and charges for credit card

Usa Classic Credit Card

USA Credit
Consumer Report

USA Credit
Ripoff Represented as a major credit card Really only a catalog card

USA Credit
Consumer Report

USA Credit
Consumer Report