John Ghandour

Business & Finance

A mortgage company that manufactures verification of deposits for clients, creates straw buyers for committing mortgage fraud, is goverened by a convicted felon involved with securities fraud, and employs a fugitive named Alex Linnan and his wife Amy whom are both wanted by numerous collection agencies as well as previous clients who have filed suits against them. The broker John Ghandour finds cheap labor by hiring unlicensed agents to close his mortgage loans for a very low commission split. His entire family has made a living buying homes with one member, then selling it quickly thereafter to a different family member for significant profit. They lure clients into option-arm or other high risk loans, without disclosing the risk to consumers. They also con the elderly into illegally obtaining financing through them, thenn unknowing to the client forge their signature, adding themselves to title of the home and selling the property for gain which the client never sees. Bad Bad People.

Company: John Ghandour
Country: USA
State: California
City: Temecula
Address: 41877 Enterprise Cir. North
Phone: 9512961441
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