
Business & Finance

This company indicates that you can get a free credit report by filling out the information. I filled out the infomation but I never got a credit report. Perhaps this is a phishing scam and my information may be in the hands of ID theft persons.

Don't answere any of their questions and don't fall for their FREE CREDIT REPORT ad.

Roseville, Alberta

Company: Lowermybills.com
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: lowermybills.com
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Free Credit Report.com
False infomation regarding free credit report at the end of the form requires credit card Internet

CIC Credit Monitoring Service

CIC Credit Reporting
Ripoff free credit report scam

Phishing Uses fake survey to steal Social Security numbers and Credit card numbers. Promises 20$ reward for information. BIG SCAM! Ripoff

Free credit report ripoff fraud business USA

".. From TransUnion, Equifax And Experian In Seconds'
".. From TransUnion, Equifax And Experian In Seconds' giving away free credit reports and requireing a credit card

Free Credit Report - Supposed to allow you to a get free credit report but wasn't possible

CIC Credit Monitor Service Consumerinfo.com
Ripoff/unexpected 79.95 charge after filling out a form for one free credit report deceptive company Somewhere In CA

Nicole Taylor
National-credit-score.org Another Craigslist Phishing scam

EQUIFAX Credit Information Services, Inc
The most ripoff credit reporting company in USA Atlanta Georgia