Cash Call
Paid loan off an got riped off on fees now there saying i still owe! Ripoff

Business & Finance

My payment plan started out at 183.00 a month almost 1 year to the date i set up a payment plan of $273.00 a month and con't to pay that up until Nov 06 when they told me that didnt matter and i was still behind? I spoke with Mrs Patterson the customer service rep that originally helped us and she turned me over to a Paulette to get everthing taken care of, I offered a settlement amount of $1300.00 because I had already paid over $4600.00, she asked her supervisior and he said no it had to be the full $2600.00. So i said fine i will send it to close the account and she said ok that money gram was sent the same day and confirmed. I asked when will i get the letter of satisfaction and she said it would take a few weeks. I again called in March 1st week and the customer rep. Said it was on its way! The today 4/2/07 I get a call from them requesting when Im going to make another payment. Per contract once the fullloan amount that is borrowed ($2600.00) is sent in full the account would be closed! And I would get a letter, I lost a contract for 2 weeks with the company that i work with because of how many times they continullay call the office and i got a warning. Thankfully they allowed me to come back and thats when I asked for the settlement... Please if you could help me?

Company: Cash Call
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fountain Valley
Address: 17360 Brookhurst Street
Phone: 8668990944
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