Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Fraudulant Overdraught Fees ripoff they are worse than the thieves that steel your identity because they are a legitiment business

Business & Finance

I must first say that if you are having problems with being over-charged overdraught fees DO NOT call to talk with someone because they will charge you a dollar for the phone call. And if you are already overdrawn they will charge you another overdraught fee.

This last time (there have been several, some my fault some theirs) I had a positive balance on my checking account, I do not use checks only a check card, and I still went over drawn from a charge I saw deducted from my account and the next day there was no record of it having ever been there. Two weeks later it shows up and throws my balance right out of the window. I asked a window clerk about it and he said I was incorrect and that thier system doesn't work that way. BULL!!! Ok I say it's no big deal it was only one charge over the limit. But, I had eight other charges pending. There was plenty of available cash to clear all pending charges. What did wells fargo do you ask? They bounced that charge from two weeks prior then took there fee before clearing the pending charges, the result: all eight pending transactions were unable to clear therefor resulting in eight more overdraught fees.

This is straight out and out thievery. How the hell are we suposed to protect our selves from the people we are supposed to trust? I freely admit i am not the best with my money and on occasion i make a mistake. But never in the amounts worthy of such punishment. I had to borrow money from friends just to make rent because of this.

I may be wrong but i could have sworn there was legislation that protects us from this kind of theft. I thought it said that a bank must clear all pending charges before withdrawling there fees? Am i wrong?

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: 4700 Bryant Irvin
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