NON Paid Sprint Long Distance bill which I have never had ripoff

Business & Finance

I have been following AFNI through and have recieved a return letter stating

" We have received your dispute but we are unable to investigate at the time. YOU have provided insufficent information ot substantiate your claim. We will complete our investigation within 30 day of receipt of the following information.

1 the specific information you dispute
2 an explanation of the basis of your dispute
3 (the kicker) ALL supporting documentaion to substantiate your claim. Ie. Photocopy of your drivers license, ID page of your passport, proof of residencey at the time of sevice, receipts, ect.
4 A valid phone to (torment) contact you.


THis it total BULL. I had originaly sent the RRR letter with the info for them to prove the debt and this is what I got in return.

I do not fall into the huge debt that others have before them it is just the principle of it.

My intention is to send a second letter with other info that I have compiled from this site and RRR a stop all communication in hope that it will end this whole thing.

Any other advise would be great and any question fee free to ask

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: 404 Brock Dr
Phone: 8668577203
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