The Money Tree Of Georgia
Ripped my wife off on payments to a loan after vehicle insurance had paid them

Business & Finance

My wife had used her car as colleratal for a loan of approx 1500 dollrs and she had been paying it faithfully up until June 06 as we had married in the same time period we were on our honeymoon when her oldest son who wa insured to drive thvheicle had a auto accident and the cr was deemed totaled by three collison repair shops. She had to purchase their insurance when she obtained the loan so when we got the estimates and police rreport we gave them to the manager at the The Money Tree of Georgia in Canton Ga to process the claim. He continued to delay the process until another payment was due and told us that we had to make the payment in order for them to proceded with the claim, reluctantly we ppaid the payment and after a month with no word from the manager about our claim guess what we are instructed to again make a payment to have them process the claim. At this time we contacted the insurance company ourselves and learned that no paperwork had beensent to them to process from th Canton office.

Again we tried for serveral weeks to contact the manager who seems to be out of the office or not avaaible each time we call so I went to the Canton office on a monday because the office staff did not know who I was at the time and enterd the front door just as my wife called and again she was told the the manager was not in the office and then she called me on the cell phone and told me what they had said now remember I am standing inside the office at the front counter when she called and the clerk turned to a gentleman who was seated behind her and she siad my wife's name and wanted to know if he wanted to talk to her and his words I quote " Tell the crazy lady I am not in the office abecause I don't watn to deal with her today" The clerk told my wife that the manager was not in the office today and hung up. That is when I introduced myself to the people and then they realized that they had messed up and I immeadatly asked for the corporate office number but they reused to give it me and the manager was trying very hard to smooth things out wwith me and he faxed the paper work to the insurance company while I was watched him and confirmed that they had recieved them and would start processing them that day.

Finally after after 8 months of back and forth bantering with this gentleman he finally called in Feb 07 and said everyting had be finalized after I contacted the Inurance Commissioners office of the sstate and their corporate office. And he said eveything had been paifd except the deductibale of 250 dollars and that we could pay that in any amont we wanted too. We made two payments of 50 dolars and got a reciept from them stating that we still owed 200 dollars on our balance until today we recieved a suit that had been filed aginst my wife for the amount of 722.00 for failure to make installament payments to the account. My wife called the Canto office to talk to the manager again we got the he is out of the office routine and she called the corporate office and ws told that is the amount he the manger had sent them to file the suit against her. And according to thier records the insurance claim check never was recieved in thier office but the insurance company had sent it to ht eCanton office and that no record of any payments had been made in 8 months. So if you have inurance that they require you to pay don't trust them because they take the mponey and run and leave you hanging. I want to fight it but I don't have the funds to fight a leagal battle with them and their strong attornyes. I do know that there are a lot of compaliants in theri collection practices Anyone that can give me any pointers how to handle thei it will be welcomed.

Company: The Money Tree Of Georgia
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Canton
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