Homecomings Financial
Abusive corrupt mortgage predatory lenders they want your home

Business & Finance

Homecomings Financial is nothing but "Mortgage Abuse Predatory Lenders" They will lie cheat and thieve you out of your home, while you are on a repayment plan and TRYING to keep your home.

We have been with this company for about 5 years with no problems until We got a month behind on our mortgage, so we made a repayment plan with them. They were to take $1100.00 out of our checking account each month. On the 3rd month they tried to take out $3940.00. Which was never authorized by us and We didn't have that kind of money in our account so they said we didn't comply with our contract and it is now null and void. Facing foreclosure if we don't come up with X amount of dollars within 30 days. I told them they had broken the contract by trying to steal that extra money from us, & I will fax them the copy of what they tried to take out, they said NO, as far as they were concernd I was the one who didn't comply. Basically called me a liar since they had absolutely no record of that incident. We made a payment for 1,000.00 they said that would clear up this month, via western union. Next day they called said they needed $602.00 more to make up that months payment. What???

They have done nothing but threaten us with foreclosure if they don't get X amount of money and each time its for a different amount.

They don't put our payments towards our loan, it goes towards some kind of FEE'S that no one can explain. When I call and put my loan # in the automated teller says they cannot find that loan # in their files & to call back later. Finally when I get through to someone they don't want to talk to me the "owner of the loan", they would rather talk to a 3rd party??? They have given us hell about our property insurance which we always carry, saying we don't have it. Its been nothing short of a nightmare with them.

After reading all of these bad reports on Homecongs financial, I cannot believe how 1 measley corrupt little company can beat all of us as bad as they have? Between all us surely we can take them out as easily as they have taken our homes and credit away from us.

This is insane! Lets stop complaining about them and get this ball rolling. If anyone out there knows who to contact send me an email.

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
Address: 2711 NORTH HASKELL AVE SUITE #900
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Homecomings Financial

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Homecomings Financial
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