Meta Bank
Dishonest fraudenlent billing and ruined my credit rating. Ripoff

Business & Finance

In May of I opened up a credit card account with this company. I had so many problems using it, that I called the company and told them about it. I also told them that I was sending it back to them because it was not allowing me to charge anything at anytime.

I cut the card up in June and paid what little they charged in to open it up. I never had the opportunity to use it but I had to pay to close it out. Several months later, they sent me a bill stating that I owed almost $300.00. I paid it because I didn't want to ruin my credit rating. The company sent me a refund check stating that I didn't owe it and that it had been already paid in full.

Several months later, I look at my credit report and I see that they have me as being 30 days late with a balance of over $200.00. I called the company and they said that the bill had been satisfied and they would fix it. They never fixed it.

I then see that the credit card is now 90 days delinquent and they have now turned it over to a collection agency. I called the collection agency and the guy stated that I would have to make arrangements. This furiated me because I don't owe his company anything. I told him this and he said he would call his client and check with him. I never heard anything back from him. I called his office the next day and told him of my intent to file with consumer affairs because this was not accurate information and I am in the process of buying a home.

He called me right back and said that they would be pulling the statements on Monday and today is Wednesday and I have not heard anything from him. I have already called consumer affairs about this. Is there anything else that I could do to get this straightened out?

The guy's name at the collection agency is Gregory Nicholson.

I am in the process of buying a home and this is cause problems for me.

Company: Meta Bank
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Address: PO Box 89210
Phone: 8889007953
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