Afni Collections
Trying to Collect for a Verizon Communications account from a stat I do not live in

Business & Finance

Afni Collections has sent me a collection notice for a verizon phone bill. The number on the account is unrecognizable to me. The area code for the account is 765, which I know is northern Indiana. I moved from Indiana in 1999, I have recieved no notice of this bill prior to now. I have tried to call the company several times durring their posted business hours to inquire about this bill. I only recieve an automated answer and cannot seem to contact them. I would like to resolve this before they start posting negative remarks an my credit score.

Brier, Washington

Company: Afni Collections
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: PO Box 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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Verizon Comm. Collection notice from Afni fraud!

False cell phone collection account ripoff

Afni Collections
This is a Scam Rip-Off Company that tries to collect fake bills, and could ruin your credit

Afni Collections
Phony bill!

Afni Collections Inc
Verizon False Collection Notice AFNI sent a collection notice for a non-existent account

Afni, Inc
Afni, verizon communications fraudalent collection notice from verizon communications ripoff

Afni, Inc
Afni, Afni Collections Bogus collections billing statement Ripoff

AFNI Collections
Sent me a verizon bill for $1800 that isn't mine. Even verizon said it wasn't mine, but it's still on my credit report thanks to afni collections. And I can't even get a repsonse from them! Ripoff

Afni Collections
Fraud and cheating!

AFNI, Afni Collections rip off