Ocwen Loan Servicing
Lender Forced Insurance

Business & Finance

Although I have commented many times before on someone else's rip-offs, I never thought I'd have to actually post one.

My complaint is with Ocwen, who bought my mortgage loan from Sebring Capital in January two months after the purchase. It is our first house, so we did everything by the book, including having homeowners insurance secured and in force well before closing. Our policy is prepaid every year through Nationwide, along with our car insurance.

About six months ago, I received a letter in the mail from Ocwen saying, (and I'm paraphrasing here) "during an audit of our files, it has come to our attention that you are not maintaing the required homeowners policy on your property." It went on to ask for proof of our insurance policy. I thought it was weird, but I faxed AND mailed a copy of our policy, and went on about my business. Three months hence, I got the same letter. AGAIN, faxed and mailed - this time Certified, RRR - and decided to call and make sure they got it. As always, and Indian woman with ZERO grasp of English, answered and refused to speak with me, since I was "not on the loan". I patiently explained that I AM, in fact, a borrower, as I had signed everything right along with my husband at closing. She was rude, and informed me she could not speak with me and hangs up. I was a little flustered, but I asked my husband to call. She tells him we have no insurance, and he says he will send the copy AGAIN. Then I called our agent at Nationwide, who said she would both call and fax a copy herself. Surprise, no luck with the phone call, though the fax appeared to have gone through.

Three weeks ago we get a certified letter from Ocwen stating that our payments were going up from $859 a month to $1466 because they are adding lender placed insurance! What in the world? I've heard of this when you're in foreclosure, but we aren't in foreclosure or forebearance or fore-ANYTHING. EVERY payment is mailed 8 days early, USPS money order, Certified, RRR. They've all been received, and our credit report reflects this. (Including MINE, even though I'm "not on the loan." Weird.)

So I guess my question is, can they do that? Should I contact an attorney, or would that even help? I don't think I'm in the wrong here, but even if I am, I would love some advice.

Thanks in advance!

Company: Ocwen Loan Servicing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
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