Ocwen Federal Bank
Ocwen makes money off late payments on purpose/also makes false reports to credit agencies. Ripoff business from hell ripoff fraud business

Business & Finance

I had recently made a report on Ocwen but forgot to mention something else they did to us. Along with posting our checks often times in excess of 10 days in the mail. (I read another posting where the guy sent the mail certified to insure a delivery date - I should have done that! JERKS)

Anyway, Im sure we paid incredible interest to say the least because of all the checks they would simply "hold" until your due date - or a few days before. WHO is doing this? THe clerk who enters the information? Or her superior? It is unbelieveable to me that this is the only company whos payment is posted so late!

At any rate - besides them being rude, and not cooperating at all with us for a payoff - and charging us all sorts of "hidden fees" to get the payoff report, they add things to your credit report that are not true! Im still fighting to get it off!!! I cant get any relief from these people! I was forced to claim bankruptcy due to some medical bills.

We did NOT include Ocwen or our primary mortgage in the bankruptcy, as we wanted to keep our house and thus we had to keep the 2nd. We owed Ocwen over $40,000. It was sold by EMpire Funding - who was a fly by night outfit - but at least they werent crooked! I had no choice in choosing this awful mortgager.

I think it should be illegal to sell your loans - if you go to a bank to get a loan - you CHOOSE that bank!

Anyway, I paid them off in full after encountering numerous rude employees, and payoff fees. I thought I was free of them!

I got a copy of my credit report after being turned down by a creditor for "unpaid mortgages" - I was shocked! I checked my credit report and WALA! THey have reported me as being 'INCLUDED IN BANKRUPTCY" not paid.

I am so pissed I cant see straight! I was never late on a payment! Although they held my checks. ARG _ anyway watch your credit reports if you have already paid them off /!

Aurora, Colorado

Company: Ocwen Federal Bank
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Dr
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