Orchard Bank
Hsbc took $200 out of my checking account when i have no credit card with them.internet

Business & Finance

On 12/28, orchard bank deducted $200 out of my checking account even though i have no account with them. I called them 2 times, and both times i was told they have no account with me and they dont have anything in there computer saying they got the $200. I have bank statements proving they did deduct it.

I contacted a lawyer and says we may have a suit against them if this is happening to other people... All i need are people to get in touch with me interested in taking part in the suit...

Anyone who had money taken from them in any circumstace should contact me by email. This company should pay for what they did to us and they will if i get enough people. The attorney may want to talk to you so i would need a name and phone number when you call.

delran, New Jersey

Company: Orchard Bank
Country: USA
Site: orchardbank.com
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