Lobel Financial
Ripoff Continued Harrasment Ridiculous Customer Service and I'm not even a customer!

Business & Finance

I am an outside sales consultant; I recently received a phone from work for customers to contact me on. This phone is brand new, as is the phone number. I had never heard of Lobel Financial untill I recieved this phone. AT LEAST ten times a day their number rings my phone and when I pick it up, no one's there.

Again, I don't know anyone at Lobel Financial, I haven't ever financed anything with Lobel Financial, and after my experience with them I intend to take great pains not to.

I dial the number that keeps ringing my phone and I go through an automated voice answering system that eventually connects me to an idiot, and I tell him that his company is ringing my phone off the hook all hours of the day and night. Said idiot transfers me to another operator and I repeat my story.

This happens for about four or five operators before I ask for a supervisor, and they transfer me to another operator. I have a low tolerance for frustration, so I throw my phone at the wall.

Three calls from their phone number later, I attempt to rectify the problem again but I am again given the run around and eventually transfered to a mailbox.

FIVE TIMES today I have contacted this company.

FIFTEEN TIMES today they have called me, hanging up as soon as I pick up the phone.

I finnally get this guy "howard" on the phone... Evidently the customer service manager. You know what? Kudos to you, howard, you're doing a fantastic job. You are an idiot, and so your managerial skills shine through in the fact that all of your customer service personel are idiots.

Please let me explain. I was so fired up when I spoke to "howard" that I threatened to file harrasment charges. He says "Well you go ahead and file your charges... We're not a telemarketing company"

Now, I'm not an attourney, but I'm pretty sure harrasment is harrasment.


Anyhow. Buyer Beware! I'm telling you right now, if you have low credit and need a car...


You're better off than if you buy one with these guys.

Company: Lobel Financial
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim
Address: 1150 N Magnolia Ave
Phone: 7149953333
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Lobel Financial

Lobel Financial
Fraudulent contracts and Loans Ripoff