
Business & Finance

"if you are thinking about using epassporte don't! I wanted to use there service to recieve a few small $20 transfers and not to purchase with it. I signed up for there "free" acount and after verifing my visa they charged me $25 to load my virtual card (the only way to continue with the registration) i though ok i can withdraw it after so i continued.

I then see on my balance they took a $5 load fee i guess i was surprized as this was a free sign up (yeah right) anyways ok fair enuff hum... I then find out that i cant withdraw to to my bank acount because i live in canada and not usa. Turns out the only way to withdraw in canada is wire transfer $50 charge to get my $20 and close my acount. After many e-mails to company requesting a visa refund (after just a few days and not any use by me) they say no and will not answer my e-mails requesting any other payment type at a cost less than my $20 balance. I have canceled my credit card after reading many many really bad way worse complaits about this compaies polices and outrite rip offs.
I wonder how many others have donated $33.00 to them $25 usa dollars converted to canadian 28 something plus $5 visa cash advance charge. If you are canadian (or any nationality other than american), and want this system to recieve smaller payments or one off's think twice and once they have your money kiss it goodbye. Luke "


Company: Epassporte
Country: Bermuda
Phone: 3103012001
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This company is a big ripoff false advertising

Ripoff Internet

Ripoff, dishonest, take money and no return for useless product


Epassporte.com will not let me with draw my funds

Is a scam

Advantage America
Lieing, Cheating, Scam Artists ripoff


E-Credit Solutions
Ripoff False Advertising Lies

Com Visa was good no-where Visa was accepted. Made other companies follow the procedures they refused tp comply with. Lied! If they get your money they are very clear, you are "not allowed" to get it back ever. Los Angeles, California