Citizens Bank
Uses debit cards to rack up exorpinate fees against your account. Ripoff

Business & Finance

After several years of being compliant consistent customers (Checking Account-revolving funds upwards of thirty or more thousand dollars a year) today we are closing our account with Citizens Bank.

Our complaints have fallen upon deaf ears in regards to their debit card policy which allows you to continuously withdraw funds that are not avaible (rather than most banks just decline your attmept) subsequently building up astronomical and numerous insufficient funds and other fees against our account. The fist occasion we were unaware of the policy and when we found out we had asked that this "feature" be deactivated. We still paid upwards of a minimum of a thousand dollars on perhaps a succession of five to ten dollar withdraws totaling no more than a hundred dollars.

Unfortuntly, most recently this happened again. The joint account holder was laughed at by a represenitive at one of the branches when he was distraught an attempting to rectify the situation. They offered NO compassion, accommodation or understanding. "Policy is Policy"!"This is a value added service to our customer."

We know of several other people who have had the same complaint and have moved to different banks because of.

Why is the policy in existence except to rack up exurbanite fees and collect funds for unwitting victims. From the customer prospective it is devaluing and potentially devastating.

Yes, we can balance a check book however if the Debit Card is allowing me to extract funds or purchase merchandise I am assuming along with millions of Americans that there is money in my account.

Thanks for listening.

Company: Citizens Bank
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 18th And Market Streets
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