AMC - Ameriquest Mortgage
Ripoff One tough lesson!

Business & Finance

I refinanced my home with Ameriquest in 2004 through the North Houston office. At that time my home was worth about 160K and I owed about 134K. I got cash out of the refinance and thought everything was great. Low and behold about about 22 months later (2 months before my rate was to begin to adjust) I got a call from a representative in the Portfolio Retention office in California asking me if I was interested in refinancing. She slipped to me that my home appraised for 230K in 2004 and asked me if I thought it was now appraising for 247K now so I could qualify for the refinance.

I immediately told her that appraiser was extremely wrong and super inflated. She pretended to care and assured me she would research it and get back with me in 2 days with further information. I knew that was BS and she was sorry she had shared the appraisal info with me because I was pissed as ever. She never called back. I started calling her about 5 days later and after she had avoided me long enough she got on the phone and offered me a refinance with an 8% rate on a 2 year ARM. She told me she had no fixed options for me. I asked about fees and she pretended not to know off hand. She told me that the fees would be outlined in my good faith estimate. I got the estimate and the fees were damn near 8500.00.

I told AMC thanks but no thanks and determined to get away from them. I started shopping around to refinance and I was turned down several times due to the fact that I have a 181,000 loan for a home that is worth 148K. I am stuck in this loan (So AMC thinks) I applied for a short sale (AMC's version of a short sale) just to unload the home and move on with my life. I have to get 155,000 for the home per AMC. It doesnt matter that upgraded models of the same home I have have sold for 147k and 145k. I am not hopeful that the home is going to sale at that price and at this point I have developed the attitude that I cannot let that worry me. I have learned one hard and costly lesson. I am contemplating just packing it up and taking the credit destruction. I do not have much credit just the home that is now consuming about 65% of my income. What a tough lesson to learn.

Company: AMC - Ameriquest Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: P.O. Box 11000
Phone: 8004305262
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Amerquest Mortgage - AMC Mortgage
Ripoff Inflated Appraisal not willing to help

Ameriquest Mortgage Or AMC Mortgage Services
Ameriquest inflated our appraisel and stuck us with an adjustable rate. Ripoff

Ameriquest Mortgage
Ripoff We were scammed by Ameriquest In 2004 they over appraiesed or home and since then we have not been able to refinance with them or any other company and now we are stuck with a high payment and an adjustable rate that we are unable to get out of

Ripoff Fradulent Apprials

Ameriquest, AMC Mortgage
Deceptive fraudulent excessively raised appraisals Ripoff

Ameriquest Mortgage - AMC
Ameriquest Mortgage Company - AMC ripoff has appaisals fasleified to push through high interest rates and loan approvals

Amc Mortgage Services
Overappraised my home at 169,000 dollars tryed to refi. That company appraised home 83,000

Ameriquest Mortgage

Ameriquest Mortgage Services, AMC
Ameriquest Mortgage Services, AMC, Appraisal Ripoff

Ameriquest Mortgage
Amc ameriquest screwed me ripoff