CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff internet

Business & Finance

I too have fallen victim of fraud.

I found 2 charges on my debit card each being for $9.95 for the month of May.

The charges were only four days apart.

I have called the company for my debit card and got the old "fill out the form we send you and return it within 10 days." It will take all of a month or more for me to get this taken care of along with a lot of grief and stress.

Louisvillle, Kentucky

Company: CIC Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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CIC Credit Monitoring Service, 800-220-2626
CIC Credit Monitoring Service 800-220-2626 ripoff unauthorized charges to my debit card

CIC Credit Monitoring
Unauthorized, fraudulent charges of $9.95 on my credit card from CIC Credit Monitoring Internet

Cic Credit Monitoring
Rip-off by CIC Credit Monitoring Company NA

Cic Credit Monitoring

CIC Credit Monitoring
Fraud ripoff! CIC Credit monitoring billed my Visa cc for $79.95 for services never wanted or received!

Cic Credit Monitoring
Ripoff Keep charging my debit card do not know who they are

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CIC Credit Monitoring
Charged my credit card 2 months without my permission Internet