Money Warehouse Inc
Ripoff South Hampton

Business & Finance

Do not deal with money warehouse you will regret it and lose tons of money and time and they truly do not care -

Here are the reasons why and what I experienced and lost:

1) GIVE FALSE GOOD FAITH ESTIMATES - They will give you very false Good faith estimates, which is what Joseph Ruffalo gave me. He called me up on a weekend promising me a almost unbelievable good faith estimate for which I asked him can he deliver this and he very confidently said yes and emailed me the estimate for which later I realize he only did this to talk me into going with their company because earlier I rejected this company because they were requesting me to pay a non-refundable $325.00 before they will process a application and the catch is that 1 day before my closing he sends me a email (not a phone call) saying he is so sorry but the estimate came in higher and then gave me a new estimate with $500 more then what the original estimate was.

2) BAD COMMUNICATION & DOES NOT FOLLOW PROCEDURES WITH CLOSING - He treated my agent really bad and lied to her. She called him up asking about the appraisal and he said he put the order in and my agent did not believe him and she called up the appraisal company and they stated they did not have a order put in and this was a week before my closing that Joseph Ruffalo did not do his job as he was suppose which was a easy standard procedure. It was 4 days before closing that he actually remembered to put in a appraisal order and he even lied to me on the phone stating that the appraisal company was backed up which I knew in the back of my mind was a lie, the truth was is he either forgot or was purposely messing that up.

3) NO CUSTOMER SERVICE -Joseph Ruffalo decides to take off work the day before my closing and did not leave my paper work in anyone's care and I did not close on the day I was suppose to so I had to pay $200 plus at my apartment complex to extend the lease because Joseph Ruffalo claimed they can close the next week which they couldn't because he was still asking me questions that were already answered in the beginning of the mortgage loan process.

4) SHOWS NO CONCERN FOR CUSTOMERS - Joseph Ruffalo returned 2 days later after my closing date that was missed and I was calling all over the office at Warehouse and was given the run around by the receptionist and Branch manager. When anyone is in charge of your info/docs takes off in that office, everything stops and no one knows anything and no one wants to help. They treat you like you're nobody and you're not important and I know that was a fact with me after they got my money. He was real quick about taking my money because I only sent him a copy of my check and they took the money out in that very day.

5) MONEY WAREHOUSE WILL CAUSE YOU TO HAVE TO START OVER - With realizing the lies and mistrust I had for Joseph Ruffalo and Money Warehouse I had to go get another mortgage company and this was more money put out because it was like I was basically starting all over again but the only difference was that the new mortgage company I have now actually cares because they did my appraisal the very next day and my closing is confirmed to take place and this was all done in 7 days for my benefit.

This was my first time purchasing a home and Money Warehouse made it into a Nightmare.

Seriously, AVOID Money Warehouse and Joseph Ruffalo at all cost because it is not just me, they treat anyone that pays that non-refundable fee like they do not matter and I feel I was scammed out of $325 for them to purposely mess up on my closing to watch me get frustrated and start all over with another company so that they can keep my hard earned money.

Companies like this should go out of business and stop lying and cheating customers out of their hard earned money.

Company: Money Warehouse Inc
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Southhampton
Address: 75 James Way Suite 120
Phone: 2127190700
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