First Credit Of America In Chicago
Used my info For UNarthorized payment

Business & Finance

All I know is I remember authorizing them to take $30 out my account for a online payday loan I had on 12/28/05. They took $30 starting 12/30/05 and were suppose to every month til the loan was paid 3 they took $50 and on 4/27/06 they took $179.

I called them to see what the $179 was for they told me I authorized it on 12/28/05 then told me I authorized it at a later date, but they couldn't give me a date. I asked if I authorized a payment of $179 then why it take them four months to start taking it they couldn't explain. I asked to speak to a supervisor the female Jameela Wouldn't let me instead she put me on hold and came back and told me what the supervisor said.

I got the names if this happened to you call collection manager Marquita Buchanan at 312-604-3701 guaranteed to reach someone i did. I think they took the info I gave them and start using it for another debt they said I owed cause I would never authorize anyone to take $179 out my account when i know I don't have it.

Company: First Credit Of America In Chicago
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 300 N. Elizabeth
Phone: 3126403701
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