Ameriquest Mortgage Company
AMC Ex-Employee

Business & Finance

Hello Ladies and Gents;

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for any wrong doing that AMC did to any of you.

As of yesterday, I was employed with Ameriquest Mortgage Company and I have to say that I was the most honest Mortgage Specialist, in maybe the whole company.

My area manager hated me, because I wouldn't put people in a loan that didn't make sence. Also, I wasn't able to look someone in the eye, and sell them something that I know for a fact wasn't the right thing for them.

Every single loan that I booked, (about 100 in about year and a half) had NO prepay penalty. (I didn't believe in them). I lost some, because the rate went up, but I just wanted to be honest. I also wanted to sleep at night. I also met with about 70 of them, I drove far away, just to make sure the customer was incredibly sure they wanted to do this loan.

I have to be honest, I didn't see this website until about 2 weeks ago. I was shocked. I couldn't believe I worked for a company that treated their beloved "borrowers" like this. My branch, which I wont name, is a very honest branch and had only 1 issue. That branch manager is now serving time due to mortgage fraud, that he commited before going to AMC.

I am now going to work with a very local, and well known mortgage broker. It's a little less money, but I don't have to think of hearing them in this website.

Again... I am extremely sorry for the things AMC did, and there is people in AMC that are leaving as we speak, realizing what a horrible company that is. There are real good people there, and most of the people that were there when most of that fraud happened, are gone and some are in jail.

Just to give you guys a heads up... I've been hearing ALOT of rumors about AMC going to BK and/or Laying off people AGAIN...

What a horrible company, don't ever DO business with them.


Another thing, amc sells every single loan on wallstreet. They keep nothing!!!

Company: Ameriquest Mortgage Company
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Phone: 7145551212
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