CCA Credit
Department ripoff cca allegedely approved me for 8500.00 sent a merchant/cash on demand card which are not legit credit cards I want back what they took from my bank account

Business & Finance

CCA;of las vegas nevada po box46101 zip code 89114-6101approved me for 8500.00;sent a cash on demand card plus a merchant card which are notcredit cards. These cards have no magnetic strip as do legit credit cards.

Company: CCA Credit
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: Box 46101
Phone: 8006421760
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Cca Credit Department
This is fake went to try to get cash on demand and it would not even go into the machine. No magnectic strip. Ripoff

CCA First National Credit - Cash On Demand, Merchant Card (aka) CCS Credit Service Division
CCA First National Credit Cash On Demand Merchant Card (aka) CCS Credit Service Division preapproved my roomate and I for fradulant credit from two different companies rip off

First national card - cash on demand card
First national card, cash on demand card ripoff

Cca - First National Credit
Cca credit service divison credit line approved for cash on demand limit 6,500.00 ripoff bull! Las vegas

CCA CCS Credit Service Division aka First National Credit
CCA Or 1 National Card ripoff dishonest about serives provided send me to card on is a cash on demand card so all together i have 3 cards from this company

CCA - First National Credit
CCA First National Credit ripoff

People in Russia
Do not accept credit cards from people in russia!

Cca And Ccs
Use deceptive practices to rob people's checking accounts ripoff

First National Card

Cca Credit Service Division
Don't activate it's a ripoff