American Agencies
Ripoff dishonest credit reporting and billing practices

Business & Finance

American Agencies is a predatory credit collection agency used by SBC/PAC BELL. The also buy accounts off of other collection agencies.

My ex-husband refused to shut off the phone account at our house when he moved out at the beginning of our divorce. I could not get a phone at the house in my own name. He did not pay the bill but SBC/PAC BELL would not talk to me so I could pay it. They had my name in the file as the spouse but I was not an account holder. I went into the military after college and forgot about it. Two years later I bought a car and I found out I was reported as delinquent for this phone my divorce my ex was awarded ALL community debt. Since he still did not pay the bill it was reported on my credit. I disputed it and had it removed. American Agencies bought the account and reported me. It was listed a year later, as delinquent again for this same phone bill. AND they had added three years of interest to the total. I disputed it again. They did not remove it and kept adding interest. I notified them I had been away in the military and that I was exempt for that time period from interest and fees. They refused to adjust it. I told them it was my ex's debt. They refused to remove it. I offered them a settlement payment and they said "OK." I sent them a check. I called to verify receipt and confirm it being removed from credit. They said they needed more money (100.00 extra). I placed a stop-payment on the check.

They reported me for a 2nd account for NSF check at triple the total of the check. I reported them to the BBB. They told the BBB in writing they had no records of any accounts under my name in their files. Now both accounts total over $2700 dollars on my credit report and they are suing me for $1362 plus lawyer fees. They told me if I pay $1800 cash they will "make it go away as if it was never there." I had already offered $1500 through a lawyer before the $1300 lawsuit. They refused it. This feels like blackmail because I am a homeowner and they cannot get my ex to pay it. I also know someone else who had very similar experience. This company preys on whoever they can find even remotely related to the actual account holder and goes after whoever has something they can take. They NEVER sent me a bill until they sued me and the never return calls. Also, refused settlement payment at least twice. Beware!!!

Company: American Agencies
Country: USA
State: California
City: Torrance
Address: 2158 W 190th St
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American Agencies

Pacific Bell
Tom Wells ripoff I sued in Phoenix federal court, Pac Bell failed to credit my check, American Agencies violated FDCPA

American Agencies
Ripoff Attempting to collect debt that is 5 years old, charging twice the original bill, on my credit report

American Agencies
American Credit Agencies - American Agencies Collection Agency ripoff Is Trying To Collect On Pac Bell Debt Already Paid Off

American Agencies
Ripoff They have become a detrimental blemish on my credit report!

Verizon Web
Verizon reported to my credit report charges that I did not owed and refused to removed them

Expirian, Equifax, And TransUnion
Credit Reporting Agencies do not follow federal or state laws, RIPOFF

American Agencies
Shifty, shady, corrupt, illegal ripoff. My original $400 bill is now close to $800 because of their wrong-doing

American Agencies

American Agencies - Southwestern Bell
American Agencies/Southwestern Bell the most unethical business never ran accross such a dirt bag company ripoff ll