Debt Relief Of America

Business & Finance

I enrolled in the Debt Relief Program in May. I was told at that time the company would reduce my credit card debt by as much as 60%. I was told by the interviewer they would contact all of the creditors named and begin the process at once. The information I received from that first contact was misleading and intended to intice me to enroll. I was accepted into the program and had a good deal of papers faxed to me and was told I needed to complete the forms and fax then right back to the man that sent them to me. The company began to take money from my checking accouny the first of June for what I thought was going to go to my creditors in the form of some kind of settlement. However, I was notified by the company in September that the money they had been taking from my account was for enrollment and maintenance fees. They again started to take money from my checking account in November that was to go to an account the company had set up with another firm, Global Solutions, to be used to negotiate with my creditors. I was subsequently served a summons by one of my creditors for not paying them and I called the company right away to ask them to contact the company to try and negotiate a settlement. I was told that they would not begin negotiations until I had $2,000 in my account. Subsequently, I was issued a default judgement and that has been placed on my credit report and can not be removed. I paid this company about $1,700.00 for nothing and the only thing that occurred was my credit was ruined. I was told at outset not to worry about the credit report as they had companies that would help me remove the negative information fromm my report. All the company has done since I enrolled was take my money.

This company has not fulfilled any of their promises and the customer service they tout is unspeakable. They are uncaring and have only their interests at heart. I would encourage anyone considering this company to avoid them.

Company: Debt Relief Of America
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 12201 Merit Drive Suite # 160
Phone: 8002422747
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Took over a thousand dollars for themselves - never helped me one bit

Debt Relief USA
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Debt Relief Of America
Deception, fraud and theft via Postoffice and Telephone

Debt Relief USA
Taking money for doing nothing

Credit Solutions
Avoid Credit Solutions