Acclaim Debt Card

Business & Finance

I apply online for this debit/credit card. I did not read anywhere on this about taking money out of my account for this card. I seen my bank ststement were they took out $159.95.

I have wrote and email this company several times and they say that there are no refunds for this card. If I knew it was going to be this hard trying to get my money back for this card I would have never done it. Why would they charge you $159.95 for a debt card I could see if the money was being apply to the card but it is not. Don't make alot of since does it.

I may never get my money back so if anyone out there going to apply for this card Don't such a ripoff. I would not have a problem if I get my money back but it don't look like I am. Read this first if you are thinking about applying for this card. You won't get your money back.

I don't see how these companies can get away with this. I will be contacting the FTC and the Attorney General over this.

Company: Acclaim Debt Card
Country: USA
State: California
City: Valley Village
Address: 5301 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Suite 132
Phone: 8004300672
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Acclaim Credit Card
Super Tried to ripoff 159.95 from my checking account

Edp Reporting Edebitpay Acclaim Visa
Big rip off somehow they got ahold to bank info

Acclaim Debit Card
Ripoff I looked around at credit cards then next thing I know I am being charged for 159.00 and to overdraft fees for no credit whatsoeve

Acclaim Mastercard
Ripoff - I wanted a payday advance not a credit card

Ripoff Raliegh

Acclaim Prepaid Master Card
Ripoff false adverising

Juniper MasterCard
Do not apply for this card

Edp Reporting, elite Plus
Edp reporting, elite plus, acclaim master debit card they removed 159.00 dollars from my account and i can't get a hold of any one on the phone to get my money back

Paypal is a SCAM to force people into applying for credit cards they DO NOT want!

Acclaim Games Internet Us
Unautherized use of my credit card