Family Credit Counseling
Ripoff Unethical this business is a scam!

Business & Finance

For starters, this company told me they were part of the Better Business Bureau when I signed up with them to help with consolidating my credit. They lied, they are not a part of any upstanding organization.

Second, they deduct a specific amount out of my account on a monthly basis, which is then supposed to be paid to my creditors. They are supposed to deduct this monthly amount on a specific date each month, after which they have 11 days to pay my creditors. This is specifically stated in my contract and must be done on time in order to ensure late fees are not accrued. However, this month, they didn't deduct my monthly amount until a week after it was supposed to be deducted. This has happened numerous times. As a result, my accounts accrued late charges. When I spoke with them about this today, they said it was a problem with my bank, it couldn't be their system.

Third, the man I spoke with today (named Mike or Michael) would not give me an identification number or a last name. When I asked for his boss' name or to speak with his manager or someone at a higher level, he said he "did not have that information." I asked for the Director or CEO's name, he said he "did not have that information" either.

I then asked if Family Credit Counseling Corporation was part of the Better Business Bureau, and he said yes. I asked for the member number, he put me on hold and then came back and said he did not have that information. Not only can I not speak with someone regarding the fact that they are actually screwing up my credit because all of my payments go to late charges because they repeatedly don't make my payments on time, they lie continuously about being part of the Better Business Bureau, and they will not enable me to speak to a manager. These business practices cannot be ethical.

This company should be put out of business. They are a scam, and I would like to see them take responsibility for the numerous customers they have wronged. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau if enough of us do it, maybe we can do a class action law suit. We need to put them out of business ASAP!!!

Denver, Colorado

Company: Family Credit Counseling
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lauderdale Lakes
Phone: 8888454027
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Family Credit Counseling Corporation

Family Credit Counseling Corporation
Now we know why they are out of business

Family Credit Counseling Corporation
Family Credit Counseling Corporation, closed their doors, ran off with my money, and severely damaged my credit report

Family Credit Counseling
Giant Debt Ripoff These People are Vultures

Ammend Credit Counseling
Org $440.25 was taken directly from my account for Sept. Oct.&Nov. These payments was not made to the creditors

Family Credit Counseling
Corporation Disgraceful business practices, unlawful disbursion of funds, failure to make payments. Ripoff Lauderdale Lakes Florida

Family Credit Counseling Corp
Late and missed payments to creditors

Debt Management Credit Counseling
Didn't disclose fees when signing up and did not pay creditors

Family Credit Counseling Corporation
White collar rip-offs of those those that only asked for some honest help

Family Credit Counseling Corporation
Stressed Out Ripoff