Capital Financial
Credit Card Fraud! Asking For Checking Account Info ripoff

Business & Finance

On Wednesday, January 4th I recieved a call from a "Capital Financial" Credit Card Company. The male named "Allen Ricki, he even spelled his last name of me" "from phone number 800-963-6230" that I talked too, did not seem too have very good english! For some reason I had automaticly confused "Capital Financial" with "Capital One Financial Services".

Bad on my part. "Allen Ricki" had informed me that I was approved for a $2000.00 line of credit, and that I could recieve up too $1000.00 in Cash Advance of this money. I was informed that my inital credit interest rate would be 6.89% and was asked for my checking account information, too verify that my checking account was in good standings. If my account was in good standing then I qualified for the credit card. This threw a red flag at first too me.

I'm not usually one to give out my information over the telephone, so I immediatly asked for the males name, company he worked for, and telephone number. However after he perswasivly gave this too me without question or hesitation, I assumed it was a real deal. After this I was informed that I had too pay $200.00 out of my checking account, and that I would recieve 4 Vouchers, in the ammount of $50.00 each over a 4 month period, too pay twords my credit card balance. Unfortunatly, I had unsuffiecent funds in my account to pay the full $200.00.

After I informed this too "Allen Ricki" he asked me approximately how long it would be untill I would beable to have the funds too pay this $200.00 too recieve this line of credit. I notified him that right now I was not in the greatest financial situation, and that it would be a while for this payment too beable to be made. I also told him that there was only about $80.00 in my checking account at this time, "laughing and trying to joke".

On my way home after this incounter "about 4 hours later" I stoped at a gas station too check my Balence Inquiry at the ATM, so I could buy gas and cigarettes. The Balance Inquiry stated that my account was "Negative $5.41". Confused I immediately continued home to check my online statement with my bank "Peoples Bank".

It showed a $80.00 Debit was made on 1-4-06 "Today". Confused and Knowing that I had these funds in my account, and that I had not made a $80.00 debit from my checking, I began to realize that I had told "capital financial" that I only had about $80.00 in my account. Im very ticked off that I was stupid enough too fall for this scam, unfortunatly its a cruel world, and hopefully I caught it in time, and will be reinbursed the $80.00 taken out of my account, and also the $29.00 fee for overdraft of my checking account that I will be charge with in the morning im sure.

Tomorrow, after I get this straightened out, I will be closing my checking account, and reopening another. I guess only being 19 years of age, and naive, that falling for this wasn't too smart. I have read most of the posts about this company before I posted this, and realized I wasnt the only naive one out there that fell for this. The 800# that was given too me, is now saying that the company is having technical issue's with its telephones, try again later.

Also later on, and thinking about this, I was not notified of rather this would be a Visa, or a MasterCard. That should have sent another red flag, however I was excited too hear that my credit had been built enough to recieve this higher line of credit ammount, then in the past. Hopefully the word will get out too everyone in the news or something, notifying people about this paticular scam.

Caldwell, Ohio

Company: Capital Financial
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Caldwell
Phone: 8009636230
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