PCFS - New Centrey - Litton Loan Service

Business & Finance

Litton Loan Service is a big rip off. We have been fighting with them for several months.in the beginning we kept sending them money. 2,500 3,000 to get our so call loan back together. Then it started again.

They sent use papers saying that we could do a loan modifacation. We signed all the papers, had them noterized and mailed them back. We have heard nothing. We have sent them payments for 3 months. I have been calling and sometimes I get a voice mail and then I can leave a message, but they still do not call back.

We have not sent any recent payments, thinking they would call us. I have left work numbers and cell phone numbers and still no calls.

We really don't know what to do at this point.

Company: PCFS - New Centrey - Litton Loan Service
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002479727
Site: littonloan.com
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