Berman Investment Group

Business & Finance

I too was scamed by this company. This is haw they make their money and get rich on others looking for extra income. We never received ths "free" package. We called & let them know we didn't have it, but they charged us the $99.90. The man we talked to kept asking for the informantion on the package, and we kept saying we didn't have it!

All we want at this point is a refund, but I won't hold my breath!

Company: Berman Investment Group
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Lexington
Phone: 8592463929
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Berman Investment Group
Ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent billing

Berman Investment Group
Bruce A Berman - Falsely advertised "No Obligation" ripoff

Berman Investment Group
Ripoff Besides sending me unsolicited Cd's, taking unauthorized money out of my account, I think they gave me a false address to return the items

Berman Investment Group
Nothing yet, Thank GOD I checked them out on complaint first! Newport Beach California

Berman Investment Group
Berman got us too, but not for long! Ripoff

Berman Investment Group
Ripoff Scam

Berman Investment Group
Ripoff, dishonest, deceptive advertising, deceptive return policy, the rich scamming the poor, forcing you to buy items not ordered!

Bruce Berman, Berman Investment Group

Berman Investment Group
Ripoff, scam, investment

Berman Investment Group
Deceptive ripoff for $3.95 CD