Simple Choice Benefits
Ripoff dishonest and fraudulent credit card offe

Business & Finance

Beware! I have been working really hard to clean up my credit and then made a stupid spur of the moment mistake. I received a phone call guaranteeing me a real Master Card with a $2000.00 spending limit. I asked if the card was a pre-loaded or debit card and Vinni replied, no, this is a real pre-approved Master Card with a $2000.00 limit. I thought my hard work had paid off, and I was getting a new card.

She then transferred me to the secured line to verify my information. Yes, I fell for it and gave my credit information including my checking account number They had a pre-recorded message telling me the offer and asking me to answer yes or no. They made the statement that this is a non-refundable contract and there is no way to back out. The last statement was you will receive your Simple Choice Benefits package in the mail in 40 days. That is when my heart sank! I heard Package and knew I had made a huge mistake. I immediately called the customer care number they gave and found that they were closed for the day.

Day two, I called back only to be told that I agreed to this offer on tape and am bound to the contract. The debit will occur on 8/1 and if I stop payment, they will consider that NSF and follow the appropriate actions to collect their money. They did give me Brian Spence's name as the Director of Simple Choice, and said that I could write him explaining the situation.

I also called my bank and explained the situation. They stated that the transaction would need to process before I could do anything. I was attempting to put a stop payment on it. The bank did guarantee that when the transaction cleared, I could file the paper work and all funds will be returned. They will also put a stop form that company from ever attempting to debit the account again.

Company: Simple Choice Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: PO Box 3348
Phone: 8668479287
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Simple Choice Benefits, Simple Choice Financial Benefits
Ripoff fraudulently stole my money

Simple Choice Benefits
Ripoff dishonest credit card applications

Simple Choice Financial Benefits
Ripoff scam artist

Mks* Simple Escapes - Aol

Centurion Financial Benefits
Ripoff Incredulous Credit Card Scam

Simple Choice
Riping people off by offering them a $2000.00 credit card for a one time fee of $249.00

Liberty Benefits
Ripoff promised a 2000 Master card for a fee of 299.00 They withdrew the 299.00 on 11/21/03 but has not delivered in package or credit card

Simple Choice Benefits
Credit card ripoff

CAPITAL FIRST ripoff fraudulent misrepresentation of facts to induse customer to accept a credit card

Centurion Financial Benefits
Ripoff! This credit card company took $250.00 by convincing me of a $2000.00 credit limit