Aspire Visa
Do not, do not, do not get this card! Ripoff

Business & Finance

As the title states, DO NOT GET THIS CARD!!! Aspire Visa (Columbus Bank & Trust) is a horrible and despicable company!

I have held an accound with Aspire Visa for 4 years and I'm still paying it off. Aspire thought they would be "nice" and offer me an incentive promotion of "0% interest for 6 months."

SCAM! Here's the reason...

The APR on my Aspire account previous to the "promotion" was a very nice 9.9%, which is a fantastic rate for an Aspire account. I took the offer and as they promised, I had zero interest for 6 months. But, here's the kicker: Once the zero interest promotion ended, my interest rate jumped to 27.49%!!! And guess what... It has been rising ever since!!!

The accound is not delinquent and the balance is only a few hundred dollars. Maybe Aspire realizes that and as the balance lowers, the interest rises. Here's a list of the APR activity for the past few months:

Sept. 2004 - Feb. 2005 = 0% interest
March = 27.49%
April = 27.50%
May = 27.74%
June = 27.98%
July = 27.99%

Beware of this company and DO NOT GET THIS CARD!!! I have a feeling CB&T will create a new card by a different name soon to rid themselves of the "Aspire" accounts. Watch for ANYTHING backed by Comlumbus Bank & Trust.

One more thing... Watch for the phrase "Get the credit you deserve." I've noticed that it is used by companies baiting people with poor credit.

I hope this information helps you.

Company: Aspire Visa
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Columbus
Address: P.O. Box 23007
Phone: 8003488783
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