Aspire Visa
Charging delinquency APR on non-delinquent Account

Business & Finance

I have been an Aspire Visa account holder for four years now and I can't begin to tell you how I regret ever getting this card. For the past year I have had this account closed to pay off the remaining balance and get rid of the card.

Seven months ago, Aspire offered a promotion to lower my APR to 0% interest for 6 months to "help" pay down the balance. All payments had to be made on time to qualify for the offer and to remain in the program. I've been making payments on time anyway so this was not a problem.

Well I just received my January '05 statement and they have increased my APR to 27.49%! In the four years I've been a cardholder, my APR has NEVER been this high! I want to know why this outragious interest is necessary on this CLOSED account?

I checked their web site at and the standard APR is 19.50% with delinquent APR being 25.50%. So they're actually charging me more than average delinquent interest.

I just want to know what warranted this ridiculous interest and to warn others to NEVER apply for an Aspire card. It is definately not worth it!!!

Company: Aspire Visa
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Columbus
Address: PO BOX 23007
Phone: 8668167018
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Aspire Visa
Do not, do not, do not get this card! Ripoff

Aspire Visa
Closed account and excessive fees

Aspire Visa Cards
Aspire Visa Credit Cards IS A BIG RIPOFF. Another Creidt cRd scam like all the others

Aspire VISA
Ripoff-close the account and up the interest rate, charge over the limit fees and late fees even if you are on time paying

Aspire Visa
Charging interest rates on cash advances never made! Ripoff

Midland Funding / Midland Credit Management / Aspire Visa
Just plain

Aspire Visa
Ripoff abused & mistreated

Aspire Visa
Closed account with out proper notice, over charging of interest rate, caused damage to credit score

Aspire Visa
Ripoff dishonest, fraudulent billing, rude customer service non compliant with requests

Aspire Visa
Providian ripoff