Harasses people who do not even owe them monay! Ripoff!

Business & Finance

My father has an Aspire card and as of now it is overdue. Reason? He had a serious stroke and is in a nursing home. He cannot communicate well, is paralyzed, etc. His only assets are his two retirement checks which go directly to pay for his nursing home care.

This company calls me every morning beginning at 8:30 AM and continues to call hourly (yes, Jenna - the "person" who works for Aspire and posted a rebuttal) - hourly!!! I work until 3:30 AM and go to bed at 4:30 AM. I'm a nurse but these scums will not even let me get 8 hours sleep. They have had the situation explained over and over and told them dad does not live here but continue to call and say there is nothing they can do.

I have been unable to get anything but voice messages at their 'so-called" customer service line. I have called, e-mailed and done everything to get them to stop but they refuse. The clerks are rude and hostile and begin yelling at me from the get-go then accuse me of being immature and difficult.

This is one of the worst companies going and I would love to be involved in a class-action suit against them. I do not care about money, I just want them and their awful people out of business!

My father is basically judgment-proof but that does not stop these trashy jerks from harassing me. These people and their brain-washed, idiotic and uninformed employees like Jenna should rot in h*l!

Company: Aspire
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Columbus
Phone: 8003488783
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