GMAC Mortgage

Business & Finance

Thank you for the opportunity to share the agony my family and I have been going through with GMAC Mortgage Company from 2003 to this present day April.

Despite Sentor Fumos office, here in Philadelphia PA, assisting us GMAC neglected to apply one payment back in December which we sent in proof of and it streamed over to wrongly accusing us of four unapplied payments which we also sent proof of then and still are now two years later.

We have sent GMAC proof of payments for two years to many different supervisors and still GMAC has began foreclosure procedings, ruined our credit, refuses to accept our mortgage payments since July of charged us unjust late and "other" fees of well over 3,000 and threatens to take our home.

We have a detailed word document with names, dates, numbers, etc of the people from GMAC that we have spoken with from 2003 to present. Two supervisors saw where GMAC has made the mistake and promised to resolve this but never did. One woman of which is no longer with GMAC for stealing funds was holding 3 of our payments! These payment of ours were found but never applied to this day despite proof sent. We get brushed off to many different people.

We are seeking legal help now to assist us and compensate us for all the wrong GMAC has bestowed on us. My wifes health has suffered to the point of her hair falling out, my childs grades in high school have suffered, I have been turned down for many a job, our credit is ruined so that we can not trade in our car or even obtain a credit card. These are just a few things we have endured through this neglence from GMAC.

We are awaiting a call from yet another supervisor from Voice of the customer who also asked us for proof AGAIN! We supplied it yet again. My family and I will need to take severe measures from today on to end this unfair harrassment and resume our normal living. This unfair treatment has hurt us in so many ways. If anyone can assist us please, please reply.

Company: GMAC Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Horsham
Address: 4 Walnut Grove Dr
Phone: 2156821000
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