Teleten Marketing

Business & Finance

Teleten promised my 5 to 7 leads a week. I have only recieved 4 in the last 4 months. The leads I did recieve were not accurate from my requested filter. One was not even exclusive and another was from another state who not even own a home. Plus others were indivuals over the age of 85.

Company: Teleten Marketing
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 3250 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE # 210 LOS ANGELES, CA 90010
Phone: 8005797152
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Teleten Marketing
AKA Precise Marketing RIPOFF, Fraud, Breach of Contract, Teleten Strikes Again!

Teleten Marketing
Teleten Marketing ripoff misrepresented what they were able to do, they took $1,575.00 for 45 leads and delivered 10 leads over the two months! The leads were all terrible! Los Angeles

Teleten Marketing
Ripoff! I paid for leads I did not receive!

Teleten Marketing

TeleTen Marketing
Not even close to what they promise

Teleten Marketing
Brian Brown - Jay Anthony (outside Consultant) Breach of Contract, failed to provide the leads the contract requires, failed to return money as promised ripoff

Teleten Marketing - Tele-ten Marketing - Tele10 Marketing
Ripoff! Breach of contract, nonreturn of funds, non fufillment of duties

Teleten Marketing
Rip Off Teleten Marketing fraudulantly promoted it's services and didn't even deliver any leads after they had cashed my check


Teleten Marketing