Work at Home Paid Survey Website highestpaidonlinesurveys.com Did Not Deliver Surveys or Respond to Refund Requests

Business & Finance

In February of this year, I signed up with the website, http://www.highestpaidonlinesurveys.com. I should've known that a 'red flag' was visible when I saw no phone number or physical address for this company. There is a 'customer service link, ' but, even though I sent 2 requests for a refund (I only let this go a couple of days because I strongly felt that this company wasn't going to produce any legitimate paid surveys), I didn't get a response.

I took matters into my own hands and contacted Clickbank, the company who processes payments for highestpaidonlinesurveys.com. Fortunately, I received a refund within a couple of days. However, I never received any response from this company.

Note to others out there looking for work-at-home opportunities, not just this particular website:

I really don't think there are many legitimate work-at-home opportunities out there in cyberspace. If there are, I wouldn't know who to trust to aid in my search for one. One 'red flag' for consumers to watch out for is to NOT send money to a P.O. Box/no phone number/no physical street address!

I cannot understand how there are so many people out there claiming to have 'private' databases of companies doing 'this and that.' Why would a normal, legitimate, working organization provide "So and So" with a database so that they, in turn, would 'sell' it to the general public?

BTW, I don't think people should have to PAY to get a job. Do you? Some of those sites in cyberspace have free memberships, while others charge a fee. I do understand that people have be able to get paid for providing materials, etc., but I have a deep conviction that most of this 'paid work at home, etc.' stuff is just plain BUNK!


Company: Highestpaidonlinesurveys.com
Country: USA
Site: highestpaidonlinesurveys.com
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Paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com, Highest Pay Surveys, Survey Absolute, Survey Scout, Paid Survey
Paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com, Highestpaysurveys, Surveyabsolute, Surveyscout, paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com, Highest Pay Surveys, Survey Absolute, Survey Scout, Paid Survey don't trust the report of paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com

Site Review Authority.org - Survey Scout.com - Paid Surveys Online.com - Instant Paid Surveys.com
Site Review Authority.com - Survey Scout.com - Paid Surveys Online.com - Instant Paid Surveys.com All rip-offs owned by the same people shameless self-promotion

American Home Workers Alliance
Surveys Online for money is a ripoff of $39.95!

Top Site Reviews Info, Topsitereviews.info, Scott Welch
Survey Absolute, Survey Scout, Instant Paid Surveys Don't trust the survey review of topsitereviews.info

GJ Surveys
Ripoff - Does not deliver service or offer refund guarantee

Ripoff, no money for surveys as ad states

Esubmitfactory (work At Home Opportunities)
E submit factor (work At Home Opportunities) ripoff, ignoring my complaints

Ripoff site to lure you into other ripoff sites to take "paid" online surveys

Easy Paid Surveys
EasyPaidSurveys very deceiving, ripoff, waste of time and money, scam artists

ClickBank Another SCAM Survey Website That Charges For Free Services