Ripoff Didn't follow through with the insurance or collection for insurance

Business & Finance

3 aflac insurance agents came to were I work the last week of Oct. 2004 and the first 2 weeks of Nov. 2004.

A few of us signed up for different insurance coverage. Myself was for Life insurance. They were suppose to start having it deducted from our paychecks in 3 weeks. But never did.

I was in constant contact with work about this problem. Finally in January one man from Aflac came to our job sight, to talk to out boss, about deducting the insurance, after the secretary contacted them several times.

And as of now 3/18, we have heard nothing from these people. So, if I died Between November and now, I am not covered. And the other people are not covered for what they signed up for either.

Company: Aflac
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Auburn
Address: 95 Davis St
Phone: 2077863592
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