HomeQ Servicing Corperation

Business & Finance

July we refinanced through New Century, in just 2 months HomeQ bought our loan. It hasnt been right ever sence. First we found out they took off our insurance our escrow was only paying taxes but our mortgage went up. I have had insurance on my home the whole time with the same people My insurance co. Keeps sending them bills but they ignore.

In the mean time they sent us a letter saying our insurance had lasped and they just added their own insurance co. I have never recieved any information on this so called insurance co. So I called my own and I had never lasped, they just werent paying, So I had to pay my self under a differt policy so that i knew i had insurance.

To this day they still have not corrected, so I am paying my own insurance, and they are getting money out of my escrow for their own insurance people. They are aware I have a company and that I have been with them for 6 years. It was in the orginal contract.

My contract was altered either before New century sold or after HomeEq bought. Really dont care at this point I AM JUST MAD I want these people to do what is right. Make my policy what I orginal signed. They rack up late fees, this is very dishonest and something needs to be done, before millions of people loose their homes...

I am seriously thinking of taking these people to court. Thanks, and if there anything you know I can do pleas help

Company: HomeQ Servicing Corperation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: P.O. Box13716
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Homeq Servicing Corp
Did not pay my house insurance on time took all the escrow and upped my payment didn't tell us before hand

Homeq Servicing
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Homeq Servicing Corporation

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