Direct Cards
Work at home ripoff

Business & Finance

I received a mailer for stuffing envelopes with the opportunity to earn $2.00 for each enveloped stuffed. Ad offer desired income on how much you wanted to earn ranging from $200.00 to $1000.00. To show that I was serious I needed to send a check in for $46.00 of which $40.00 would be returned as a refundable deposit with my first mailers. The six dollars for shipping costs to mail supplies on a one timebasis only. I did not have an email address or phone number so I searched them on the web and found out it was a ripoff.

Company: Direct Cards
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: P O Box 830128
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American publishing inc
American publishing, inc. Earn up to $720.00 stuffing envelopes at home rip-off!

Direct Cards Inc
A very big ripoff just take a look at all the complaints

AMD aka Advanced Marketing
Ripoff misleading advertisement for envelope stuffing from home

Bluecastle Company
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent advertising and promotions ripped off and scammed

Direct Cards
Work at home ripoff

Work at home ripoff! False guarantee to earn money stuffing envelopes

S & S Publications
Ripoff envelope stuffing promised $5.25 per envelope stuffed earn $2000 per week. Cost $35 registration fee

Foxtrot Group
Ripoff can earn you up to $4000 per week if you stuff envelopes! True ripoff!

Direct Cards
Ripoff opprtunity to earn money, work at home

Beyond Mailing Service
Ripoff never received envelopes or stuffing supplies