United Credit National Bank
Ripoff Not My Name

Business & Finance

I recently checked my credit report and noticed this "bank" on it. After calling Transunion to find out what it was, I noticed 2 other accounts on my report with the same dollar amount. I come to find that they were both from this "bank". I called both of the collection agencies to see why this was placed on my credit report and after they asked me for all of my information to verify, they both asked me which one I was, Jr. Or Sr. I told them I am neither. There is NO Jr. Or Sr.in my family whatsoever. Both places told me to contact UNCB and file a dispute with them. I was given a phone number and proceeded to call. Wouldn't you know it, there is a recorded message on that line telling me that they are no longer handling skip trace calls and then it hung up on me.

How are people like me supposed to handle a situation like this? The government should spend a little more time on companies or banks lilke this who like to do nothing but bilk the consumer out of hard earned money and disgrace their credit.

Company: United Credit National Bank
Country: USA
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US Bank
US Bank NA. FCRA Department?

American Credit Educators
(ACE) rip-off consumer fraud

CIC Credit Monitor Service

Equifax Credit Bureau
Ripoff the Erroneous Credit Reporting Agency Tampa Florida

Credit Report
CreditReport Dishonest Their Credit Score is Not Accurate Not The Same as The One Your Bank Obtains ripoff

CIC Credit Report - CIC*Credit Report - ConsumerInfo - consumerinfo.com
CIC - CIC Credit Report - ConsumerInfo consumerinfo.com ripoff fraudulent billing for services not purchased Athens & Portland

TransUnion free credit report is NOT FREE!

Wts Bank
Attempted to take money from my checking account without my permission

Privacy Plus - Consumerinfo
Ripoff, charged my credit union 14.95 for three months and won't cancel or help me INTRNET

NARS - National Assets Recovery System
NARS Constant calling at work even when they have been asked to stop. Even when I have no idea what they are talking about