Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Sucessor By Merger To Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.inC. F/K/A Norwest Mortgage I
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Sucessor By Merger To Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Norwest Mortgage I dishonest fraudulent with criminal intent towards the accusition of our home

Business & Finance

We are in a current battle that has been going on for approximatly 2yrs.in the process of figthing this illegal action against with W.F., our second mortgage with EMC has now jumped on the band wagon. We are in forclousre and chapter 13 that we were forced to file in order to keep our house. This all started in 03' when boyfriends ex-wife filed chapter 7 before filing the divorce papers even after she was told not too, and after both mortgage companys were in position of a quick claim deed as well as a notary signed letter stating that she is no longer in the house and has no further interest. The mortgage co.'s started in the begining to be helpful and work with us, that of course was before the relized our house is worth more than we owe. After recieving large, sums of money and agreeing on paper to accept a new forbarence they recined their offer and file forclosure and keep all of the money. Then when we found a new lender they stalled longed enough with one on getting the pay-off to the new lender, to cause them to back out as the pay-off was much more than we were told. Then they tell another lender that we are in forclosure with our second mortgage when we were not. They have lied, told us that there were sale date when there were not, called me names, told me we were not worthy of living in a house that we have been in for 13 yrs. There attorney, David J. Sterns is involved up to his eyebrows!!! His office continues to lie, cheat and coherce Emc to follow and start pulling things, which they did now I have to fight both of these companies of which only one is in default and that was not due to anything we did or did not do!

In 15 months we have paid out over $25,000.00 to save our home and if I can't get someone to see all of the evidence we have they will realize this mess was all started when our house value doubled! We are interested in any class action or anything that is being done to try and stop this happening to others and to try and help us get away from these people. Please respond if you have any info or help to offer.

Company: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Sucessor By Merger To Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.inC. F/K/A Norwest Mortgage I
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: 3476 Stateview Blvd. Fort Mills, S. C
Phone: 8002883212
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