CreditExpert, Experian
CreditExpert Ripoff pretending to be Experian and selling lies

Business & Finance

I was led to believe that I was buying a trimerge credit report so that I could dispute any inaccuracies on the report. They lied, I could only dispute the information on ONE. The experian report. On the web page it says
1. If you purchased the following Experian products from CreditExpert, you
can dispute online directly from within your account.
Credit Manager Monitoring Service
3 Bureau report and score for $34.95

Leaves you believing that you can dispute all information now doens't it? Do not buy anything from them they are ripping people off and refusing to resolve anything

Company: CreditExpert, Experian
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: CreditExpert P.O. Box 1909
Phone: 18666730140
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CreditExpert - Experian
Ripoff Unauthorized 9.95 charge to my credit card account

Credit Expert, Experian, Experian Limited, Experian Ltd released my Credit Report for free to fraudsters/imposters, bank accounts emptied as a result.internet

Experian *CreditRep
Consumer Report

Multiple Incorrect Credit Report Entries internet

Experian ScoreC
Experian Score Or "Experian Internet" Charged my card for a report and never got it - -Experian claims this is not them!

Experian - -
Finds another way to violate consumers rights! No mailed disputes! Ripoff!

Is A Bunch Of Scam Artists ripoff

Freecredit Report - CIC Credit Monitor - Creditexpert - Consumerinfo - Experian
Freecredit Report - CIC Credit Monitor SVC - Consumer Info - Creditexpert - Experian deceptive credit report scam, fradulent billing, ripoff

CIC-CE Credit Manager - CIC Credit Monitoring
Cic - cic

False reporting