CCS Credit Service Division
Fraudulent ripoff and billing/deducting money from consumer checking account

Business & Finance

Back in December I got an unbelievable phone call from a company that can give a line of credit for $6,500 and would issue a card by First National and in addition I was sent a second card for cash on demand. This phony company somehow convinced me and initially debited $199.00 from my account then later $99.99. Later I got a letter stating my line of credit was increased to $8,500.

I really did not think anything of it until I notice that the card expired 12/04 and I did not receive another card. Please understand I had never used this so call card. I tried calling this fake company and first of all the people who answered the phone were so unprofessional, they answer the phone "Hello". This give me a clue that something is wrong. I was perpetually placed on hold, could hardly hear the person on the other end of the line and when I could get to speak to someone to let them know I want to cancel the card, the response was the "Computer is down". I was astonished to see that they had debited $99.99 from my checking account this month, not once but twice.

I went on line today and entered the name of the company and found out I was screwed royally. I have called my bank and put stop payment from this company and if this is not enough I will have to close my account. Is there any advise you can give me about dealing with this phony/fake company?

Silsbee, Texas

Company: CCS Credit Service Division
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Address: 81 W. UTAH STREET
Phone: 8007310121
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CCA - First National Card - CCA Catalog Shopping Membership
Ripoff/scamming/phishers/fraudulent billing/theives/company gets your personal information and uses it to their benefit

First National Card
This company told me how I had recieved a line of credit to buy their merchandise and have a cash on demad card up to a thousand dollars. They told me because of my credit they would waive the activation fee of 200 dollars. Ripoff

First National Card - Credit Service Division
First National Card Promissed a major credit card, took about $199 from my account, I got a fake card consumer fraud ripoff

Cca Credit Department
This is fake went to try to get cash on demand and it would not even go into the machine. No magnectic strip. Ripoff

Ccs Consumer Credit Service
Fake credit cards rip off scam sharp marketing for legal fraud!

CCS Credit Service Division, 1First National Card
Attempts to obtain SSN's in order to drain personal bank accounts under the pretense of being a legitimate credit card company

CCA, Credit Service Division
Fake credit card service, checking account rip off artist, rude and ignorant csr consumer fraud ripoff

Dynamic Credit Service
Rip-off scam Worldwide

CCA First National Card
CCA, First National Card ripoff liars victimized us

CCA First National Card 1
CCA First National Card ripoff