Wells Fargo Bank
Unfair overdraft charges due to account manipulation to cause cascade effect

Business & Finance

The Opinion of a WF customer

I have written this same message almost evey month for the last number of months and addressed it WF customer service. I want to know why evey time our account get down to around 10-12 dollars (this seem to happen on a regular basis over the last year)- that we are hit with all the WF Merchant account fees. WF always - by the way, takes the largest one first and then charges our company $250.00-$350.00 NSF fees every single time for a group of 5 to 7 very small (often less than a dollar such as 5 or 39 cents) transactions for which there is now no no funds to cover.

We have no idea when these fees will hit the account as they are not always entered on the same day of the month. Money is continuous flowing in and out of the account as it is the account were we process our credit card sales. I want to know why it is always when the account hits a low that these charges are posted. We are a small family business that is working for WF. This is not honest and surely not the way a repeat customer should be treated - oh I forgot - we're just a number nowadays.

If we treated our customers in this same way we would have been out of business quite some time ago. But I know WF could care less as they have already made enough money off us to last for many years of what would have been made off "petty" monthly fees. Oh well - they'll just get another customer to replace us until they burn them out as well - and on and on it goes. I don't know these people sleep at night knowing the dishonest practices you use to asses fees from customers all across the nation.

What they do may be legal (thanks to bank-rolling politicians, that have served the industry well) but it is morally wrong. Being legal has nothing to do with being right.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone but like I said - I seem to be addressing this issue every month. How many of you would go home to your spouse and say, "hey honey we just got another $33.00 NSF fee for being 39 cents short - which by the way happened because WF took our 39 cents".

I was told by one branch manager that the rule is: "first in first out" - but again this is not true - the largest will always come out first - then the next largest - and then the next and so forth. "Posting"- I am told by "customer support" is not controlled - well history seems to indicate otherwise - it is a simple thing to program a computer to watch balances. This has happened to many time to be a coincidence. Something is very wrong here and in my opinion needs a congressional or at least an investigative news show investigation.

Wells Fargo Bank and Wells Fargo Merchant are both Wells Fargo-
a case "of one hand talking to the other"? There is big dollars being made here. Oh - by the way you can buy your own credit card machine for about $279.00 and you do not have to rent one from WF.

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.wellsfargo.com
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