GE Money Bank
WASTE of time!

Business & Finance

I know I do not have perfect credit, been working on it now for over 3 years; have a car loan, small limit credit card and some dep store credit cards (and no, they are not toped up) all get paid on time. So I do have a couple of small medical collections; big freaking deal! My credit score is 650. Ok, so I go to Pep Boys I fill out ap, answer all the questions, after over 30 mins I get turned down was told I will receive a letter. Fine. This morning I get a call at work from this GE Money Bank ask me couple questions, and what happens? Was told, again, I don't qualify and I will receive a letter! Dhu! Why you calling me at work where I can not really answer your questions freely, and WHY you waisting my time LADY??!! Just remember; companies grow with our help, the consummer! There is such thing as "WORD-OF-MOUTH" marketing, without it, you have no measurable CONSUMER engagement! NO WONDER you have such crappy reviews!!! REVIEW SITE; Google Plus & YELP - just AWFUL!

Company: GE Money Bank
Country: USA
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