Premium Advantage
Ripoff took $300 out of our bank accout for credit card that never arrived

Business & Finance

I reported this company to the Secret Service at 601-965-4436 and reported them to the credit card fraud division. I was told that because it is only $300, that it is not enough for the government to take action. The agent took all my info and this web address and said he would do what he could. He also said if some way we all banned together the amount would be great enough to bring action. Hey, lets stop the crooks. I am 68 years old and live on social security and they hurt me bad financially, no Christmas this year. Let's stop them.

Gulfport, MS

Company: Premium Advantage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Ft Lee
Address: 117 Main Street
Phone: 8888639661
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When I reported this as fraud - I got a long email describing what I had to do to stop it. No safeguards. I think this is fraud on AT&T's part - they are big enough to have safeguards. Charges in the Phonyville

Ccs Credit Service Division
Had me give my checking accout number and bank information to them for my card to be activated and I did not know that they were a fraud. Ripoff

Credit card fraud ripoff Nevada

Premium Advantage
Ripoff & Con

CCA First National Credit - Cash On Demand, Merchant Card (aka) CCS Credit Service Division
CCA First National Credit Cash On Demand Merchant Card (aka) CCS Credit Service Division preapproved my roomate and I for fradulant credit from two different companies rip off

USA Credit
Plain and simple, this company has gotten my information from somewhere and didn't bother to call and ask if I was the person applying for this card. Ripoff Uniontown

Premium Advantage
Misleading sales practices, apparently part of intricate ripof scam - Seems To Constantly Move from place to place

Charge of $29.99 appeared on my credit card charges can't find

Premium Advantage
Is a scam! They almost got me too, but thanks to they havent! Tucson, Arizona

Signature Credit Corp Classic Advantage Card
Ripoff almost had me deceptive company fraudulent ripoff business ripoff fraud