Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Benificial Consumer Stratagies Ripoff Fraudulent Credit Card offers Albany New York

Business & Finance

I had just recently applied for a credit card and was declined due to insufficent credit on my credit report. So when they called I was not suprized I gave them my info and agreed to be charged $299 for a credit card with a $2000 limit so before i got off the phone I asked for a customer care number and they gave me a number... I tried to call the number and got a busy signal so i closed out my account. A week later the day after the withdrawl was supposed to go through they called me back and gave me a different number for the customer care number and TWO different company names!!! BEWARE of any one calling you that you cant call back! Close out your account immediately if it hasnt already gone through! If it has go to your bank immediately and tell them you want to file a dispute due to fraudulent activity on your account!

Company: Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: New Orleans
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Fundamental Consumer Strategies
OR Beneficial Consumer Stratagies RIP-OFF!

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
RIPOFF On Nov 29 I was promised a credit card for 2400.00 if I paid 299.00 to them, after trying to call them several times and getting a busy signal all the time I have gave up on calling them

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff credit card scam

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Fundamental Consumer Strategies are Frauds!

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff took $299. From my bank and promised a credit card for 2000 got a package of adds for cards sent it all back and asked for a refund heard nothing called hundreds of times to get a busy signal or the run around

Fundamental Cuonsumer Strategies
Fundamental Consumer Strategies ripoff

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff took my money and never sent paperwork or credit card

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
RIPOFF's for sale A 1 time fee of $299

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff new york

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff faudulent billing